A white sock mule horse is when you cant drive a vehicle worth a f*ck and you wreck on the way
Chaz was on his way to work and somehow managed to hit a white sock mule horse
by Freddy mulecock April 16, 2020
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Great Australian folk hero.
Silent but deadly.

A corporations nightmare and saviour in the same sentence.
Verb: holy shit is that a butt ton of rain? Looks like that flood mule will be coming out of retirement.
by Kingfisher4 June 25, 2022
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A Burning Man term: a beautiful, fashionable person, who also pulls his/ her own weight. Antonym: Sparkle Pony
burner number 1 : God that lady is smokin hot, she probably didn't have to lift a finger to get here!

Burner number 2: Are you kidding? That Glitter Mule singlehandedly built 3 stages, designed this outfit and is gonna drop the bass so hard tonight, not a pair of panties will be dry within a ten mile radius!!!
by Glitter Moon August 31, 2015
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When you constantly get ass fucked so hard by life your cries sound like the hee-haw of a baby mule.
My fantasy football team is a fucking Montana Mullee Mule
by John_doe_1018 July 25, 2023
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A reference to the mules given out to the slaves freed at the end of the civil war along with the 30 acres of land per slave. Used by opponents of reparations' for African Americans in the U.S.A.

Come on man how can you not support reoperations you racist! My people deserve something for slavery!

2000 mules lol

Really man?
by Bill_Whitney May 16, 2022
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The Study of Mules is where someone spends 12 years of college learning about the science of Mules, Also called Muleolegy it expands upon the world of Mules
Prof 1: I studied Psychology

Prof 2: I studied in Medicinal Distribution

Prof 3: I am Studying Muleolegy also know as the Study of Mules
by WololoWibbleWarbles January 18, 2017
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