The assorted "gastronomical nightmare" feelings (heartburn, cramping, bloating, etc.) suffered from eating excessive amounts of crunchy-sweet cold cereal.
I was super-hungry, so I polished off half a box of Honey Bunches Of Oats in one sitting, and now I gots Post™ traumatic stress!
by QuacksO November 11, 2018
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The stress associated with too many scheduled events. The stress is experienced by the owner of the calendar, and indirectly by the family, significant other and friends. The person tends to become anxious prior to the events, complaining and worrying constantly, wondering if they will be prepared for the event, or even enjoy the event, when the day finally arrives.
I just looked at my calendar for the summer and I have calendar stress because I will only be home for 2 weekends.
by Already Stressed September 29, 2011
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The eraser shavings that cover your desk after you write a test. Caused by erasing half of your work half way throgh out of stress.
Someone must of just wrote a test in here, this desk is coverd in stress shavings.
by mean memes October 9, 2019
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Da freaked-out and exhausted emotions dat you experience after "heavy-duty" social interactions invoking minor/petty/non-existent issues dat one or more self-important and/or fame-seeking fellow humans have blown way outta proportion. Think, da red-faced and utterly-drained feeling you'd feel in grade school when da teacher would "make a Federal case" outta some extremely minor error or dispute/misunderstanding between you and one of her bratty/conceited classroom "pets".
I never bother reading "Dear Abby" anymore; too many of the letters are just preposterously-immature social-tiffs about stupidly-asinine interpersonal issues --- disgustedly wading through all of that usually gives me a major case of post dramatic stress disorder afterwards!
by QuacksO November 17, 2019
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1)Still trying to 'Make it'. 2)Sticking with something long after any success is possible. 3)An act of self denile based on the stuborn need to justify a career choice in the arts: Actors, musicians, Great American novelist. 4)Sticking with a ridiculous belief system because you pissed off so many people over the years you can't just own up and apologise.
1)"This 56 year old waiter showed me his head shot. Serious Post Dramatic Stress Disorder."

2)"He moved to LA. He still thinks metal is going to be big again."
"He's got Post Dramatic Stress Dissorder and thinks he's Vince Neal."
by syd jesus May 13, 2009
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i avinash am i stressed out cunt desperate for pussy. Im so stressed out my stress is stressed. I am also a gay man.
by dasilencer7007 February 12, 2018
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