bro!!! dream uploaded a new manhunt! did you see it yet?? yeah that mf is such a piss baby! boat play was great!
by crispelf June 30, 2021
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A piss baby is a living thing who cries, and whines over stupid shit.
You could make a simple, harmless joke and they'll be there offended as fuck.
Jeremy: "Do I need to buy some diapers for the lil baby?🥺"
Jeremy: "Goddamn, it was a joke. Chill, piss baby."
by jjshitt July 27, 2021
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That kid Nathan Blake is the biggest piss baby.
by emf4d December 4, 2021
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Some too lazy to leave the room to pee so they pee in a bottle
My friend found out I peed in water bottles and called me piss baby for awhile
by BowserJr124 September 3, 2023
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My friend JustReal is a Piss baby
"You're a Piss baby" "If you search on urban dictionary you're the definition"
by ForbesAddicton May 31, 2023
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Infant or child made of urine or metaphorically acts like a child made of urine.
person one- Oh, how are you doing today?
person two- Not good. Trevor committed grand larceny last night.
person one- What a piss baby.
by jill :] August 9, 2021
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1. the coolest people ever
2. has some of the nosiest people
3. someone always needs to piss but never goes
1. maya: omg hey piss babys
beep: hey maya

maya: were the coolest people ever

2. imani: hera is so nosy (this statement has been proven to be false)
hera & shay: we know ur actually the most nosy imani

3. shay: i need to pee
hera: go pee
shay: no
by pissbabysarchive February 28, 2021
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