Guy 1: what ya drinking tfue
Tfue: just some piss
by Bigboio February 13, 2019
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Guy 1: what ya drinking tfue
Tfue: just some piss
by Bigboio February 13, 2019
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if you don't know how to use "piss" in a sentence I'll be damned
by Krypothyme August 27, 2023
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Why are you searching this word up? Piss fetish confirmed? 🧐
Jacob has a piss fetish.”
by May 19, 2021
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Australian slang for alcohol, especially dirt-cheap mass-produced low-quality beer, rampantly consumed by bogans.
Patron: Oi m8 can I get some Western Australian piss?

Barman: Sure m8, Swanny D or Bush Chook (Emu Export)?

Patron: Actually nah m8, got any Queensland piss?

Barman: Sure m8, Four-X or Great Northern?

Patron: Yeah nah m8, but I'll defs take some Victorian piss

Barman: Sure m8 here's a pint of VB

Patron: Aww fuck yea cunt

Barman: No worries m8
by StrayanDoc August 20, 2022
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Ah shit! I just pissed so hard that the water splashed up out of the toilet and hit me in the face! Noooo!
Hym "AAAHHH! PISS SHIT ASS! MOTHERFUCKER! That's the first time that's ever happened to me! GODDAMNIT!"
by Hym Iam June 4, 2022
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yellow liquid that is yellow and comes out of pp hole and pusspuss hole
by big_fucking_strokey_nonce February 24, 2021
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