A woman stands over her subject, as part of a golden shower. The subject is expecting to be peed on. When the woman starts to urinate, her male partner approaches from behind and sticks his penis in her urinary steam from behind. The woman's urine then appears to be coming from a tranny penis. The male partner then starts urinating, doubling the urine stream.
Ron paid $100 for a golden shower from Hazel. He got more than he bargained for when Hazel's husband, Joey, joined her in giving Ron a Nicaraguan Tranny Surprise.
by cracky jacky from Forest August 3, 2009
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A phrase used to describe someone who has done nothing wrong.
Phillippe to Lyle: "You're a Big hot tranny mess"

Lyle smiles.
by GypsySCUM March 10, 2014
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person 1: ur mom gay.
person 2: ur daddy lesbian.
person 1:ur granny tranny
person 2: your fammy tranny
person 1: *has an epileptic seizure and fucking dies*
by iiJason124 July 15, 2018
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When something involves a Transvestite /Drag Queen, and another person, possibly a heterosexual one male or female, a "gender" confrontation. This is usually not a good scene, will end in viscious yelling, tugging ,and scratching, and well as a razor or box cutter showing up for the finale .An old fashioned "street fight", with a modern twist!
As we were chased out of the nightclub by the Drag Queen -, i heard the door man yell,.. "Tranny get your gun " !
by Chef Michael Koshgarian Jr December 15, 2006
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one the most lethal jokes of all time. Only time usable as comeback when being flamed in public.
random guy "Your fit is garbage my guy are those New Balance?" You "Your granny a tranny."
by datboikai223 November 2, 2020
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