The tar you clean out from your bongs and pipes from marijuana use.
Don't tell me your cleaning out your bong and smoking that Viking Hash!

Fuck yeah dude! whatever gets me high!

Your fucked, you addict!
by doobie brothers x December 3, 2010
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You ever realize that HASH?
by antwandagreat October 31, 2020
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"A drinking group with a running problem." {Hashing began when the first Hash House Harriers were founded in Kuala Lumpur by Ignatius "G" Gispert and the boys.
I had blast at the hash last night. There had to be 20 harriettes there but I was too blasted on PBR to care!
by eXplodes On iMpact LWH3 February 27, 2015
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A non racist hash brown. Can be any color.
Monica - Hey let's eat some hash browns!
Peter - No Monica, that is racist! You better use terms like HASH!
by whigga June 28, 2019
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Man in pin striped briefcase: *looks at you* *turns head 30 degrees to the left* "HasH."
Luch: "oh ye, beef stew."
by Rovert7 February 28, 2018
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Something scraped together from leftovers, warmed over; something meant to be burnt. <derogatory>
Those tie-dye leggings Rachel wore to school are so hash.

That paper we turned in for our group project is hash. I hope the prof has mercy on us.
by gumboverde February 5, 2017
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