Kaitlyn is an amazing person, if you ever come across one make sure to make them your friend! Kaitlyn has a warm and caring heart, they are usually the mother of the group but needs a lot of attention. Kaitlyn is a beautiful person and always seems to have a smile on their face. She has a big beautiful smile that makes everyone around her smile, and a contagious laugh, she lights up everyone’s day and is just overall good worth.
“Kaitlyn is so amazing” “Yeah ikr, she always seems to cheer everyone up”
by Hentai_lover<3 May 14, 2021
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Kaitlyn and its various spellings, including but not limited to: Kaitlin, Caitlyn, Katelyn, Katelynn, Caitlin, Keightlinne, and KVIIIlyn, are to Millenials/Gen Z what Karen is to Gen X. She is entitled and expects everyone to like her without giving anything in return, often has a grating personality and is usually doted on very heavily by her rich parents. She manipulates and throws temper tantrums instead of actually trying to reason or accept things like a rational human being. Likely acts the way she does due to her upbringing, as her mother is very likely a Karen and her father is very likely rich. Most of her friends either hang out with her because she’s rich or because they know if they stop hanging out with her she’ll throw a fit and make attempts to ruin their lives for it.
Kaitlyn: I can’t believe Rebecca doesn’t want to drive me to and from school anymore!! All I ask is for her to go out of her way for me twice a day, be willing to go to whatever fast food place I’m hungry for, and let me play my music all while I judge her taste in music and the condition of her car! Isn’t that what friends are for?!
by lightning_troubadour February 25, 2020
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My ex girlfriend who I loved so much. She is amazing and loving and kind and funny. She has short red hair and blue eyes. Oh and she’s a lesbian so theirs that. ~E
Hi Kaitlyn
by THIS BETTER WORK January 4, 2021
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A girl who let's tyran smash
Tyran smashes Kaitlyn
by Homi boy December 27, 2021
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Kaitlyn is a very loving, kind, out going person
" Shes really happy, she must be Kaitlyn
by cheer.girl May 2, 2023
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Kaitlyn will be the sweetest person you will ever meet. They are beautiful , amazing ,smart, and will make you smile. Kaitlyn's are so selfless they love making other people happy , though not many people thank them they are sweet and loud. Kaitlyn will always make you laugh. you are very lucky if you meet someone like this .Kaitlyns' are the kindest sweetest prettiest smartest happiest people ever. Its just a person you want to be friends with!
Omg! Kaitlyn is so nice.

I wanna sit with kaitlyn at snack.
by Liyaaaaaaa December 8, 2019
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