Can seem friendly at first but when you approach her an get to know her , you’ll regre it for the rest of your life !

She’s loud , rude and disturbing and a total show off . So if you have a Frances in your life , you’d wish to be dead than alive ...
Person 1: who’s that girl your hanging out with ? She’s talking about you behind your back and destroying everyone around you.

Person 2:oh I’ll rather die than be with a Frances
by The god definition June 22, 2019
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A beautiful country, especially in the south east and with the largest army in the EU.
Oi m8, where shall i go?

by Raphaeltael February 28, 2022
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Person 1: I heard he's from France, he might be an interesting guy.
Person 2: He's made of butter and tartar sauce.
by lean luvr February 10, 2022
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a place that was colonized by canada because canada colonized france
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A no-good country where all they do is drink wine eat snails and smoke whilst thinking they are better than everyone else. FUCK FRANCE (Paris is in France.)
person 1: fuck France I hate France.

person 2: va te faire foutre.
by francehater34 July 20, 2022
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The centre of every joke the world has ever made. The President is also a jokeman and they like stealing fish
by giggity500 February 4, 2022
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