A girl who is FAKE. Someone who doesn’t listen to anyone but herself, thinks she’s better then everyone else. An Ashley likes to abuse her peers and everyone else and blame it on other things. Secretly wants to be like all the girls (and ppl in general) that she hates on. If you don’t want a toxic friendship or relationship, don’t hit up an Ashley.
“Why would Ashley say those things

“Does Ashley really think that about me?”
by arctic_seals86 August 13, 2020
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A beautiful sexy girl who everyone loves, a very good girlfriend, and is shy at some times but once you get to know her she is not shy at all. Well maybe sometimes but she is the most amazing girl you will ever meet with the prettiest face and the sexiest body you will ever see oh and she has the best voice ever . If u have an Ashley in your life never stop loving her and she will never stop loving you.
Guy 1: wow who is that girl

Guy 2: oh Ashley? She's hot right
Guy 1: who ever is her man must be the luckiest man alive
by Chase.M August 2, 2018
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Ashley is Funny, stubborn, kind hearted, and loves to try new foods, Ashley is drop dead gorgeous !!!!!!!!! Has all the boys and girls falling for her. Loves to have a fun time and lots of laughs.Has lots of goals in life , is a real friend, everyone knows who she is but is not your typical popular girl, she love to travel but also love to be at home, and she loves to talk about boys, if you ever meet a Ashley never let her go treat her the best .

She topically love boybands like why don’t we and one direction
Boy one : “did you see Ashley today?”

Boy two : “ya she looked so gorgeous”

Boy one : “ I think I am going to confuse my dyeing love to her right now”

Boy two : “Not if I do it first”

Boys beating each other up fighting over Ashley they stop to watch her as she walks past them then goes back to fighting
by Isabella lol June 23, 2021
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Ashley is the most beautiful thing to ever be created.

She’s sexy and cute all at the same time.

She’s hilarious and everyone wants her. Her pussy is super wet and tight and her Titties are perfection.

She sucks dick like she’s starving to death and doesn’t ever use hands. Her throat will take you to heaven.

Basically Ashley is the most perfect woman that exists.

If you ever get the chance to be with her don’t fuck it up idiot.

I love Ashley. Forever and always.
Awe man, did you see Ashley at the bar last night?

She so fucking hot but she’s always with Tommy. They’ll be together forever.
by Theo Void March 4, 2022
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Gets overly excited and has to tell the world when she subconsciously matches her underwear to the rest of her outfit.
Ashley is very adorkable.
by KrazyKylie May 7, 2019
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1. The name of the coolest fucking person alive, usually one to have sex with all of your friends' girlfriends

2. Someone with a huge penis

3. One who owns all others at everything forever
I can't believe you had sex with my girlfriend Ashley, you motherfucker! It's okay though, cuz you're Ashley.

Girl: Holy shit! That is one huge dick!

Boy: I know, I'm a Ashley.

Dude, you are such a Ashley!
by Woodsy's Mom October 22, 2017
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typically a responsible "mother" that takes care of your life issues.
she's like an Ashley to me.
by simsing September 8, 2017
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