Term coined in the deep African wildlands by native tribesmen to describe the feeling of dopamine after the Eldrich Gods beat the Roman Emperor in a duel involving two pistols, 8 oz of Mexican black tar heroin and a cow. Such a turning of the psychological tables evokes notions of sweet sustenance given by a traveller who goes only by the name "John Archibald Bazaro Kennedy Fletcher-Missouri the 12th" and will not appear if not addressed as such. He serves as the distributor for these confectionary items but was secretly in league with the Romans. as such, the food items have been stored in an unsightly cavity without the tribesmen's knowledge.
Abu's father - "Look Abu, John Archibald Bazaro Kennedy Fletcher-Missouri the 12th: the confectionary distributor of the anal variety."
by Trauchen Voodenschtampfern 3rd September 20, 2022
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When you blow into ones asshole, and it makes a sound like a trumpet
Hey lover come here and let me play your anal trumpet
by TrÜtH February 22, 2016
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When you’re doing anal and the condom gets stuck in your butt and the next time you poop, the poop comes out wrapped in the condom.
I was doing anal last night and today I pooped an anal sausage.
by The Urban Stuff September 29, 2019
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a shit that's so big it looks like a piece of Sausage floating in the toilet bowl
dude eszy just dropped an anal sausage before the CS-GO tournament
by eszy April 6, 2016
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The profession of checking a males anal cavities for space crabs by placing his nose inside the butthole.
Did you go see Jj Anal Doctor yesterday?

Ya I have space crabs
by Big D*CK February 23, 2023
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is something you put in your ass that holds shit for you so you don't have to go the the bathroom.
I'll help you put your anal cartridge in your ass. =D
by ILL BONE UR MOM August 27, 2008
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A girl who secretly likes anal, is an anal pornstar, and her name is Allie.
George:Dude that girl likes it bareback

Hudson: Ya I know, I already tapped that and she is and anal allie
by Versace2013 November 14, 2013
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