If you're either poor or a college student who lives on campus (or both; as if there's really a difference between the two anyway), Ramen noodles are the perfect meal for three reasons:

1) It usually only costs a few cents

2) You don't need anything more than water and a microwave

3) It's pretty easy to spruce up the noodles by adding in whatever, whether it be pepper, an egg, chopped sausages, hot sauce, etc.
This tuition cost makes me want to jump off a building, but at least I have some tasty Maruchan Ramen
by Overstored Milk March 21, 2023
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ramen is younger than ryanstoyreview. that's all there is to it !
oh my god that retard ramen should crack his skull on a jagged rock!
by rmane May 9, 2023
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Food that is necessary for survival.
Oi Felix! What'dya make bro?
I made ramen
by tranquilitxy_ November 2, 2020
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delicious noodles that are insanely cheap and incredibly filling. the pronunciation varies among people: rah-men, ram-men, ray-men etc. The correct way to say it is ram-men.
Heather: Oh man i want some delicious ramen noodles with soy sauce!
Erin: Or we could have some rah-men with vinegar and hot sauce!
Heather: You pronounced it wrong, but I forgive you because this stuff is delicious.
by Flipping Awesome December 29, 2011
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A japanese noodle soup, most commonly known as a small package from the grocery store that you prepare yourself. Also a popular hairstyle amongst hippies.
Ey dat boi’s hair looks like ramen
by FRIdom April 19, 2018
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Affiliation with no stereotype, or if there is an affiliation it is not in a negative sense.
He is a Ramen. And for that he has earned my respect.
by Kingdom Miracle November 30, 2020
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Weeb: have you had ramen?

Non-weeb: no, I don’t eat weeb spaghetti
by UndersScore July 17, 2023
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