Memes are internet jokes which are usually made by weebs.
by UrbanDictatorOrSMTH January 24, 2020
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The 119th element that keeps us all alive. Without it, we would all crumble and die.
guy: Hey I invented a thing that removes all the memes out of the air to see what it does.
other guy: wait NO DON'T DO THIS YOU'LL REGRET IT!
guy: Ok, 3
other guy: NO!
guy: 2
other guy: WAIT STOP
guy: 1!
everyone: *dies*
by apersoninaperson December 10, 2019
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i really am going to waste my life on this meme
by THE MEME MAN 567 December 19, 2017
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a very popular thing that's posted on the internet
This meme is so funny!
by Austinluvnuggets January 3, 2021
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A Meme is something the average person knows but has the wrong idea about it

A Meme is something that starts of on 4chan gets to reddit which then gets passed down to twitter where they throw it down to FACEBOOK where your 54 year old mom will find it and make jokes and send it to you via messages where then you find out that you have been adopted
person 1: haha hey bro look at this meme its so funny dude

person 2: dude this is a minion meme
by not a facebook mom July 24, 2020
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