When you want to confide secrets or personal information with someone for the first time and for it to remain confidential. Similar to putting something “into the vault.”
Hey man, I’d like to open an account with you

Sure dude, confide away!
by Dangerous Dante October 2, 2020
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Someone that performs worse than their elo. An outdated term that has mostly been replaced by saying someone is boosted
"Please stop feeding mid"
"Don't even bother, he's playing on an eBay account"
by Eggnivia February 20, 2018
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An oldschool term used for people that play worse than their elo in competitive games because they are using an account that they bought online. This term has mostly been replaced with the term boosted
Xayah: Mid please stop feeding
Rek'Sai: Dont bother, its an eBay account
by Eggnivia March 4, 2018
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In 2017, Lorde's secret onion ring account on Instagram (OnionRingsWorldwide) - where she rated onion rings she tried - was exposed. She confirmed it was her on The Tonight Show.
Person 1: "Do you remember Lorde's Onion Rings Account?"
Person 2: *shudders* "That's when we turned to the dark timeline."
by girlfrontbyloona January 31, 2022
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