a candle that makes a crotch usually a female crotch smell good....

also citronella crotch candle can be used for the removal of crotch crickets..
don: damn girl yo crotch be stinky....

sherry: i know i ordered a dozen crotch candles of line they just have not got here yet....

don: did you get the citronella ones for your crotch crickets?
by crotch candle sales. June 30, 2008
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When you place any long object inside a woman's vagina allowing a great deal of the object to point out. The object is then lit on fire and the girl must do her best to blow out the flames by only using queefs. Originated in Perth, WA.
Me and Victoria and gonna try the Forbidden Candle tonight.
by frogwranglerr February 17, 2022
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A syringe with the needle removed to inject drugs, typically meth, rectally.
My point is clogged, pull the needle off and make an ass candle, I'm going in.
by Lucifer's Envy January 3, 2021
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When a chick (normally with a fat-ass) sits right on the top of a guy's full blown boner. *It hurts like hell*
Guy 1: Damn bro, you good? Why are you holding your dick like that?
Guy 2: I just came from inside the party. There was this BAAAD BITCH with a huge butt...
Guy 1: Ayyyye! My boy got some ass!
Guy 2: Well it was good and all at first when she was grinding on me. Out of nowhere I looked down and I had a full-f*cking-chub!
Guy 1: And you f*cked her?! Congrats bro, didn't you had it in you.
Guy 2: Not exactly, I took a seat and didn't realize my little man was standing tall. All of a sudden her ginormous ass crushed my dick and bent it. SHE BENT MY F*CKING BONER!!!
Guy 1: Ouch...Cake On Top Of The Candle?
Guy 2: Exactly...*Falls over passed out*
by Mr. Anonymous435 January 26, 2015
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what you tell your parents when you hotboxed your basement and at 2. am they come down and check on you they ask why the basement is so smokey.
Mom, we just blew out a candle, it makes a ton of smoke.
by bigboy frank October 1, 2017
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Ethan: It’s captain candle day!
Jeff: I almost forgot
by captain candle January 23, 2022
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An extreme form of tealight. Pour a shot of Johnny Walker Black Label (or whiskey of your choosing) into a small plastic disposable cup. Set alight to the rim of the cup. The plastic will burn until it sets fire to the whiskey, at which point a blue flame will appear and burn for approximately one hour. Be careful with fire, kids. This is also not very good for the environment or your personal economy. Plastic should be recycled not burned, and Johnny Walker should be drunk and not burned. It is very beautiful, on the other hand.
Man, we made some Johnny Walker Candles last night. They burnt for hours and we ran out of whiskey
by TheGoochifier December 18, 2016
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