When you attach a plunger to a bald woman’s forehead/head top, and cum in her eye.
I know chemo was tough but when we get home, I’m gonna turn you into a winking unicorn.
by Sofakinglit October 25, 2023
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When you attach a plunger to a bald woman’s forehead/head top and cum in her eye.
I know chemo was tough, but when we get home I’m gonna turn you into a winking unicorn.
by Sofakinglit October 24, 2023
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What a "chain of command" is only as strong as. In other words, if a bunch of insincere people are "shedding crocodile tears" --- i.e., if they are pretending to be all weepy-eyed but are actually "winking behind their watering" because they're merely trying to manipulate those in authority --- the resolve of said commanding personnel is only as strong as whoever is shedding the most tears of the "leaky-waterworks" group, and thus is presenting the most-convincingly unhappy status that would also have the most persuasive effect on whoever is in charge of the situation.
A jury would do well to only listen to and consider what is actually being said by those giving testimony, not the eye-streamingly distressed manner in which said testimony is presented --- remember, the resolve of humanity is only as strong as its leakest wink!
by QuacksO February 18, 2023
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When something gives you so much fear that it makes your bum wink, also known as 'the closing effect'.
Holy shit-flaps Alessia! We almost got hit by that lorry! I was so scared, it made my bum wink!
by brownsource November 7, 2016
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The act of flashing a singular titty at another person or persons
Friend 1- “Bro, she totally flashed me”
Friend 2- “With both tits??
Friend 1- “Nah, it was a titty wink”
by Ajdbeilwndhalsbd January 6, 2019
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