a disease in which the afllicted person becomes scared of anything that is fun or could be considered fun. only affects people with the name eric. the affected individual refuses to partake in any illegal activities and refrains from leaving his house past midnight. the only known cure for this is to get so much murt in their ear that they realize that he needs to have fun.
"Wait, you're done drinking and smoking. You're a pussy!"
"No, he was just diagnosed with ericitis."

"He became affected with ericitis immediately after his marriage."
by mars murphy June 30, 2006
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eric is an annoying boy who is very gay and often greedy, he also annoys everyone and cant get a girlfriend.
"damn eric is annoying"
by tellingthetruthabouteveryoneik February 1, 2018
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A person considered to be a ball breaker.
Man I can't beleive how eric is such a ball breaker!
by Francois Hamel January 23, 2007
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Manwhore that loves to invite girls over and have fun with them then kick them out before his girlfriend comes over. He loves to use terminology on women he kicks out of his apartment such as "Ol Mexico" "Ol Tennessee" Ol Alabama". This terminology has a definition of how he gets rid of the girl before his girlfriend shows up. He is the definition of a manwhore.
Hey Joe ! I just did an Ol Alabama this morning. Damn Eric you're out of control
by Eric the beast October 4, 2018
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The geeky, nerd, tech stupid at times guy you might hang out with.He's charming, not too hansom, somewhat intelligent,brave then wimpy,geek. Once you lay eyes on him, you might have a very diverse opinion on him but once you get to know him you'll learn to love him. Hes also the guy that gets a little crazy when pushed over his limit. Eric the guy you want as a friend.
Eric's the best nerd geeky friend I've ever had
by akaRiptide March 30, 2017
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a fairly quiet, somewhat nerdy, average height, lanky, cutely awkward, pale, really smart sixteen year old. pretty good at call of duty, sleeps a lot, forgets things easily, poor eyesight, pretty nice.
guy 1- eric is the chill motherfucker from chemistry, you know, the one with the short girlfriend?

guy 2- yeeeaaa, i know him! he's pretty chill.
by zombiee January 18, 2011
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A very awesome friend. Good singer, charming, gregarious and very funny. And kind of dramatic. Has three dimples. Weird laugh and a great smile.
Eric tutored a student.
by Zebrawings December 1, 2013
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