Edibles in the form of gummy bears. Can be consumed with semen.
"I just got some gummy bears."
"I said, I just got some-"
by Boopity's Books April 8, 2021
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A person who believes in something full heartedly with only half the facts.
Those gummy bear Mormons have no idea what their talking about.
by Camel with a jetpack April 11, 2023
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The Australian way of pronouncing Gun My Beer. An action in which normally happens at parties where one will through a can of cheap beer in the air and shoot it with a gun splattering beer on many peoples faces.
Yo Edward, Gummy Bear. *splash*
by Your Mom049 November 23, 2018
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A really awesome techno song on youtube.
Dude: The Poder Bear is so awesome!
by Koontay April 2, 2009
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