A thing editors deny they have but they tell all of their mutuals that they have it so actually everyone is talented because all editors have mutuals
Sofia aka editzbysof is so fucking talented wig
by Novisrerum August 28, 2018
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A: damn i’ve never seen talent in real life
B: google jungkook
by jjkkth1 March 13, 2021
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A way of insulting someone which originated from the play the WT series
Person 1: your a what talent! Person 2: you are so mean!
by getofmelawn December 29, 2022
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When a person has way too much talent in themselves.
Boy: I was born very young.
Girl: That boy has excessive talent
by BabbleBoy February 10, 2023
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And tiktok who wants people dead, and said the n word in front of STKA, also being disrespectful to anti superlitkids, and says “go_killyourself”
by Ihatesuperlitkids01 May 29, 2023
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Literally no one’s name, it’s a company. It’s a sick company for sure, but like, as a name? It’d be weird if you had it. We wanted to make something more x-rated but, alas, this is an Instagram representing a company so, here we are.
"Would you do anything to participate in a trend?"

"Want to sit at this table for lunch?"
"No, I'm not cool enough to sit with Talent Hack"
"Yeah, you are. They're really nice to everyone"

by we literally wrote this today November 23, 2021
by Talent Hack November 23, 2021
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