Primarily, Homosexual Male although in recent times, considered offensive to some, a Narcissist, Sociopath, Deadbeat, thief, liar, One who disregards Social Mores or Manners, One who takes advantage of an adverse situation to manipulate, or otherwise make miserable, the lives of others, One who arbitrarily abuses powers or authorities simply because they CAN.
Person1: Did you see that Guy slap the hostess at Chili's?
Person2: Yah, What a faggot.

Person1: Why did you get fired?
Person2: Because my Faggot Boss made up some bullshit.

Person1: What happened to person2? He called and said he wanted to meet up, and he is not here!
Person3: Yah, he's such a faggot, always flaking out on people.

Person1: ah fuck, Way too many dudes around here.
Person2: What? Your surprised to see so many faggots in boys town?
by theNEWROMANTIMES February 7, 2010
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1. A sexual slur used against homosexual's. In the dark ages if you were gay people would try to burn you alive.
2. The true meaning of the word is a bundle of sticks or wood used in a fire. However because homosexuals used to get burned alive people started to refer to them as faggots.
3. Today the word is being incorrectly used to put down people for being stupid or acting foolish.
1. Q. "Is Tom gay?"
A. "Ya, what a faggot!"

2. Q. "Do you want to start a bond fire tonight?"
A. "Sounds good to me I'll go get some faggots"

3. Q. "1+1=1 right?"
A. "No you faggot 1+1=2"

by Hershman July 18, 2008
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A yearly award show, where the biggest morons are honored. Whether it's because you drink daily, don't work, or overall demeanor makes the rest of society question what's wrong with you. This truly makes you a faggot.
Hey bro, wanna go to da gym.

Naw, can't man, The Faggots are on tonight.
by #1ABF October 12, 2022
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Someone who corrects your to *you’re
Guy 1: Your a faggot
Guy 2: *you’re
by Gamrrrrr June 14, 2021
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People who are big gay and suck big pee pee.
It should be illegal to be a Faggot.
by LGBTQ=Big Gay May 7, 2019
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An offensive term used to describe people who are part of the LGBTQ+ Community.
Fuckface: yo did you hear jimmy is gay?
fuckface 2: what a faggot
by Mangleelgnam December 8, 2022
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