The feeling of pity one has when they enter a public bathroom stall to poop while there is a person pooping in the neighboring stall, only to finish pooping before their neighbor. A type of pity born from superior digestive health.
Employee 1: "It must suck to have to sit on the toilet for 20 minutes to get any results."
Employee 2: "I'm sure they don't want your shit pity, they probably just need to eat moar fiber."
by squat2shit October 28, 2011
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When a person you are not interested asks you out on a date to a concert of one of your favorite bands. Because you like the band you go, but awkwardly avoid affection throughout the date, and then ditch said person after the concert to hang out and drink with your bros.
Dude, I had to agree to go to a Pity Concert with Laura, I hope she doesn't expect anything because it'll be on valentines day.

I went to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers last night with Rebecca! It wasn't a date, it was more like a pity concert.

Yo, my pity concert will be at 9, so i'll meet you guys after at the pub!
by Elp3nguino11 February 28, 2014
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In fantasy sports, when the score to a matchup is under 170 points total.
Look at that. Karam and Andrew are in another pity bowl.
by kirbbb October 4, 2015
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When you like a video, post, etc because you feel kinda sorry for the person who posted it
"I gave Lil' NoTalent video a pity like. He's horrible, but he is so enthusiastic and dedicated, I kind felt like I had to."
by dottie hinkle October 18, 2019
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On facebook, when you make a witty comment on a person's status and the person likes your comment first, and then, a few minutes later, out of pity for the other people who commented, likes the rest of the comments on her status. This often happens even when you weren't the first one to comment on the status.
I know I shouldn't give a shit, but Miranda gave out pity likes again after I commented on her 7-11 free slurpee status with "never forget." Fuck that bitch.
by mattdoge December 24, 2013
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Noun or verb: Sympathetically clicking "like" or an emoticon on the posting of an unattractive or unpopular FaceBook friend in order to help maintain the life-sustaining illusion that their lives are interesting. A low risk / low effort virtual version of the Pity Fuck.
Unaware that all of Lisa's responses to his FaceBook postings were just pity clicks, Warren made a beeline for her at the class reunion, thinking after 25 years he would finally score..
by The Working Dead July 1, 2016
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When an incel laments about the object of their affection, or the opposite sex in general having no interest in them. Self pity but is incel in nature.
Incel: "I don't know why girls don't see me for the catch that I am! Nice guys like me always end up alone."

Pretty much everybody: "STFU! Nobody wants to hear your incelf pity!"
by Pace_Picante October 16, 2020
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