A bay area drink ordered in jest. Bartender’s choice. Preferably something putrid.
Why hello there, I’ll have a Skip Hop San Francisco Bop please
by Sawyersaucee August 14, 2021
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A San Francisco pillow fight consists of a group of skinny-jean and scarf wearing dudes taking turns flogging each other with their yam bags. The victor is determined by whomever can withstand the most scrotes without blowing their nut guppies all over the place.
Oh man, I was involved in the most intense San Francisco pillow fight, the other day. By the end of it, it looked like a Cinnabon store exploded!
by Unicorn Squeezins November 27, 2021
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The saddest city I've lived in. People are cramped in like sardines. Homes are squeezed so tightly next to each other there's no space at all. You open your curtains to see a wall. There's no grass or yard, just concrete. There's so many homeless and drug dealers that Joe citizen can't walk down the street safely. The homeless defacate and urinate on the sidewalks. There's trash all over the place. It's sad, so very, very sad.
We are moving out of San Francisco as soon as we can.
by January 17, 2022
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When one man lays on his back with his erect penis pointing upwards, his partner then places his penis in a perpendicular fashion against the first mans. This arrangement simulates the appearance of a fire hydrant and connected hose.
Ace said to Gary " I want to do the San Francisco Fire Hydrant tonight."
by AFEOD70 October 3, 2014
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A mythical position where two homosexual men are simultaneously pitching and catching at the same time.
"I've seen DVDA once but I've only ever heard of the san francisco twister."
by Professor Chomp April 2, 2018
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Where you cum in a dudes butt, and then he farts, thus creating a geyser effect.
Man, Adam gave Cameron a San Francisco geyser last night
by Andrew is gy September 13, 2021
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