stands for:

Not Even Remotely Dorky

nerd is one of the highest of compliments in the modern world.

most people think that nerd is a derogatory term for an intellectual. they are wrong.

A nerd is both smart and cool.
i called Jake a nerd today. He then promptly hit me in the jaw. I'm not sure why, all i did is complement him.

by Bobby McFee March 4, 2008
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A classic nerd, not one of those "hip" nerds with "smart" glasses. A real smart as hell boring as your grandmother, glasses wearing, chinless, chesthairless, bonafide geek. Think Bill/melinda gates, stephen hawkins etc.
A. Oh my god that new statistic professor is such an asshole. Yesterday he called me stupid in front of everyone.

B. I know, the nerds seem to like him though. Apparently you need an above 145 IQ to "get" him.

A. Yeah, I guess he's a "nerd's nerd"
by Cont78 August 3, 2011
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future rulers of the world. We shall control all of the mindless who make fun of us in high school for our greater intelligence.
Join the nerds, we have superior skills
by thelawnz June 13, 2010
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Anybody who believes that learning to understand and relate correctly to their environment has more meaning than getting drunk and laid and watching reality TV.
If you're persecuted by people dumber than you are, or you struggle to relate to people because you can't get into the usual routine of sex, bitching and the latest buzz, you are a nerd. Own it. The latest music will be old news by the end of next month. Science is here to stay! Don't resent yourself for being smarter than other people, for being Martin out of the Simpsons. He's the only one who actually knows how to enjoy himself without regretting it later.
by Jonny Random November 10, 2007
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the sexiest social class of them all

girl-i love nerds

guy-*smiles* i know...

girl-let's see that nerd cock

guy-*pulls out dick* THUMP!

girl-*jaw drops* DAAAAAYYYUMMMM

*insert night fun*
by loves me some nerd December 5, 2008
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rick(the jock):geez look at that guy, such a nerd

nerd:clean this up or your fired
rick(the janitor):*mumbles*why do i always had to do the dirty jobs.
bob:cuz you called him a nerd in high school,remember
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nerding is a form of studying which involves more of mugging but in most ways it is used as a slang to transpose the word studying. this term coined in National Public School, Indiranagar, Bangalore (where else) is often used as a way to chide others for doing the same.
"What are you nerding?"

guy to another guy studying : dude you nerding for the test?

guy1: Dude, the test is today man! I'm dying!
guy1: Chill man, You were nerding the whole night. Why are you scared?
by TheZDude September 30, 2011
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