My dog keeps snatching up my Oyster Catchers and dragging them around the house. Its even worse that he likes the dirty Oyster Catchers the best! It’s so embarrassing when I find my dog has drug dirty oyster catches into the neighbors years.
by CrazyJ. September 9, 2020
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When three straight males decide to experiment to the other side. One fucks another one in the butt doggie style while the 3rd lays underneath to catch the oozing scud dripping out of the ass of the guy getting fucked. Usually the mouth is used to catch the oozing Scud (chest and face are also used)
Hoss was fucking Randy while Isaiah was on the ground being the designated SCUD CATCHER.
by Txtactical July 14, 2022
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A catcher of all and any corner or corners
Your a corner catcher.
by Young_yogi@WCM® November 1, 2021
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something that takes away your nightmares in nightmares i guess.
“Dude i had this nightmare where you wanted to fuck me and you came out gay! it was horrible! and you cummed!”
“uh dude… that wasn’t a dream. you got… drunk.”
“were you wearing a condom atleast?”
“okay. Maybe tonight i should use my dream catcher and hope it works.”
by chiknnuggies543 March 1, 2022
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When a man keeps the condom he used when he lost his virginity, and hangs it from his review mirror.
See that right there, that’s my dream catcher,earned it early freshman year, been hangin’ and bangin’ since.
by Chet Upnya July 13, 2018
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Some type of covering that women wear to cover their 'muffs' or
Strip clubs either have ladies with or without muff catchers.
by lady of knowledge December 6, 2009
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A stopper in the shaft of a bong that holds ice. So when you take a hit, the smoke comes through the the shaft and through the ice for a soother hit. And does not burn your throat as much.
Stoner 1: Yo this burns my throat!
Stoner 2: Put some ice in the ice catcher for a cooler hit.
by Mac_Daddy69 March 8, 2021
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