What can you expect, hmmm? Oh, let’s see…… Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a sovereign country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. Australia is the largest country by area in Oceania and the world's sixth-largest country. Australia is the oldest, flattest, and driest inhabited continent, with the least fertile soils. It is a megadiverse country, and its size gives it a wide variety of landscapes and climates, with deserts in the centre, tropical rainforests in the north-east, tropical savannas in the north, and mountain ranges in the south-east.
(And yes, that was from Wikipedia, lol.
Some person: Hey, you heard about Murray?
Some other person: Oh yeah, him? That australian. Heheh, yeah?
Some other other person: What are you going on about?
Some person: Murray, I think.
Some other other person: Oh, yeah, ok.
by WindmillToast4312 November 3, 2023
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Adelaide: yo! What is this?? This song is straight Australia

You can also substitute the word for the flag when texting (🇦🇺)
by NonlivingOrganism January 29, 2020
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Australia is a fake country implanted in almost evryone's memories by the US Gouvernement. It's funny because how can people still belive in the 21st century that a country can be upside down! Come on, Isaac Newton invented gravity for something, people can't be upside down, they woulod just fal down into the Milkway. And also, it's a supposed land in which lives mythological animals called "Giraffes".
Friend 1: I don't know what fiction book should I buy today.
Friend 2: Well, pic this one called Australia, it's 100% fiction.
by Jacobo The Canadian June 11, 2019
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One of the most misunderstood countries, where (from an Australian) nothing/nobody cares enough to try to kill you. Just don’t be stupid and you’ll be fine.
American 1: hey should I go to Australia? Sounds Kinda cool.
American 2: nooo way! They have so many deadly animals!
Australian: shut up Dave you have fucking guns.
by Veeto_cheeto September 30, 2023
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A country full of hard yakka and no one but bludgers in charge of it, doing nothing but cooking chooks on the barbie.

This pretty much means blokes have nothing but blowies between their ears and are as busy as a cat burying shit.
Person 1: Got yakka mate?
Person 2: Yeah but bloke next door keeps doing the aussie salute as much as a chook lays eggs.
Person 1: No excuse to throw the barbie the the billabong mate.
Person 3:*whispers to Person 1* Think he's got blowies up the clacker.
Person 1:*whispers to Person 3* Wouldn't blame him, we're in Australia after all.
by greatdane130065 August 28, 2017
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An upside down country famous for its shitposters, vegemite and rampant 6 foot spider problem. Those who visit Australia are required to have a ground harness so that they do not fall into the sun.
The most common job in Australia is working at the shitpost plant.
by SMTElitist June 22, 2023
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