When you go down on a girl with a tie clip on your nose and accidentally rip out parts of her uterus...
I gave the Mrs a Scottish snorkel dive last night and had to pick the remnants of her uterian wall off my tie clip afterwards
by Electric jacko October 5, 2019
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A sexual act where the male, whilst in a woman beings her to his chest and begins to spin while headbutting her till she falls uncioncous. Then the male continues to have intercourse with her untill done.
Joe: "Did you see the state of steph this morning? She must have got a Scottish Turner."
by The man without a face or dick February 6, 2012
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This refers to when a man raps his dick in a kilt and proceeds to ram it into a pussy. It is considered one of the oldest and least effective forms of contraceptive used in old Scotland. It was believed that the fabric of the kilt would absorb all semen released from the jizzuming dick, but in reality, it was just way too much to shove into a vagina, and it often led to a bit of rug burn on the penis. It was just a generally bad time for all parties involved. This method was abandoned upon the invention of the sheep's stomach condom, but in some small circles, the strange fetish continues.
Aye, we were in the pub last night, and I gave her the old Scottish Banana
by TheThrustinScottsman January 18, 2016
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An embarrassing and mythological maneuver one claims to had performed during and altercation in which he/she/questioning had unquestionably lost but cannot accept the loss and thus claims to had performed on the true victor in a pathetic display of denial .
"Remember that time I put buddy guy friend there in thee ole Scottish Arm Bar?"
by FinestScotchman June 18, 2017
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Cum on a sandwich and feed to your dad
"Gave me old man a Scottish Sanga on the weekend"
by NotLainT September 28, 2020
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