This means another word for feeling under the weather. So you call it Itchy Mitchy mung mung
Dear teacher I am feeling a bit Itchy Mitchy mung mung. So I am going to stay at home
by Missdiva212 March 31, 2019
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A man who will ask the fellas, " where the weed with da seeds at". Indefinitely keeps it bracking, but sometimes cracking. A very Small, but Large man....taller than his father, but shorter than his mother. Will stand on his tiptoes to whisper in yo ear. A man who knows how to taste his tongue, but can never hear his ears.
Oh look here come Mung Tao Alok. Better hide yo bitch!
by SurrenderTheBooty619 November 24, 2021
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A man who will ask ladies and gentleman, " where the weed with da seeds at". Indefinitely keeps it bracking, but sometimes cracking. A very Small, but Large man....taller than his father, but shorter than his mother. Will stand on his tiptoes to whisper in yo ear. A man who knows how to taste his tongue, but can never hear his ears.
Oh look here come Mung Tao Alok. Better hide yo bitch!
by SurrenderTheBooty619 November 24, 2021
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The part of an erection that happens just before the full blown rock hard boner
"geez girl, lets get it on, i got half a mung hanging here"!
by Crak-a-lakin July 26, 2014
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Description of a penis, coined from the combination of the word muscle and sponge.

Coined by BaysLife and GenerationInternaught on Twitch
My munge swells when i think of big booty bitches.
by Alomago M80 April 5, 2018
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The word munge is an extremely clever word only used by high class individuals. Munge is simply an synonym for tasty, fresh or delicious. The word has inspired the author Shayne Topp to write many wonderful adventures like: "The Return of the Munge", "The Munge Strikes Back", "Temple of the Crystal Munge", "Top Munge", and "Paul Blart Munge Cop" whick as well should only be read by people with money and a iq over 500.
"Dad can i have something to eat?"
by Mungeman69 June 7, 2018
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