Kys also known as Kind Youth Soul is a thoughtful way to express your feelings.
kys (kind youth soul)
by BIGASS SHIT April 9, 2022
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what a nice gamertag oh wait its owned by the one and only Lashawn Balls himself omg omg i love the kindcart
yes yes great
person 1: im really depressed :(

person 2: kind cart

person 1: yay im happi now
by FlingaFlonga May 6, 2022
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A hoe that says thank you when I finish
Yo, you know Brittani, she's the local kind thot
by Jek422 October 23, 2022
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This unused and long term is used for when a NSFW video / gif or a normal video / gif is cropped to where someone "trampolining" looks like the person or thing is getting railed by something or someone.
Ben: Look at this anime character trampoline .
Jerome: Hm, that looks wrong.
Avery: Oh what the fuck, that's The Bad Kind of Trampolining.
by DumbassOofGuy April 7, 2021
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A user on the Elder Scrolls Online who sits in Riften, pretending to not be busy when in reality she is never available to talk. Always wears white but not because of supremacy. Nominated Tamriel's Tiniest Stamsorc.

Ruler of low level CPs.
"A Kind Empress just ran four hundred people through the same dungeon. And y'all wonder why she's dead inside."
by Lawlerai September 15, 2019
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You are writing a paper on Microsoft Word and you computer suddenly shuts down and you lose everything that you typed. You can't believe what just happened and so you say "what kind of deal?!"
by Don't Consent August 27, 2021
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