Calming, soothing music, often New Age or minimalist like the music of Philip Glass, considered to be great for growing plants but sometimes somnogenic for humans.
Most of the music from Philip Glass' "Koyaanisqatsi" could be considered music to grow plants by.
by pentozali November 12, 2011
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Lil Knee Grow is the best CS:GO Player EU.
Enemy team 1: Oh shit! It's Lil Knee Grow!
Enemy team 2: Let's just give up, my dudes...
by Bullshitter42069 October 26, 2017
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Nicer way of texting someone that they are a nigger
Person 1 what should I put this nigger as in my phone.
Person 2 knee grow, it's a nicer way of saying nigger
by #1 higger nater June 18, 2024
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It is the biological process of a snickers growing
*there's the quote: would you rather watch a tree grow or a knee grow?
by mike_zvz May 24, 2023
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Something you say to your friends before leaving discord to throw them off guard.
by Blurplenurple August 14, 2021
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