A game created by ‘RIOT GAMES’... this game ruined twitch chats for eternity. thats all. CS:GO/Overwatch mix, cool but could’ve done a NORMAL closed beta instead of getting everyones hopes up
So you played Valorant?

Oh you mean the game you can only get off of RNG? nah man RIOT Did me Dirty #FeelsBadMan
by icantrunsteam April 8, 2020
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The game we hate love and love the hate not to mention the broken comp system.
by Junkyard Jarvis April 17, 2021
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A slang term frequently used by gays to request rough anal sex
Joe: Hey man can you hop on valorant?
Jeff: sure 😏😏
by Xx_cocksucker69420_xx February 25, 2021
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In addition to the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 (Federal law), Stolen Valor (Urban Dictionary) also encompasses the flaunting of prior peacetime military service (by way of hat/cap or other military garb), in order to obtain undeserved social benefits and/or in order to seek admiration, act cool, or be macho. Example: When a prior peacetime service member contracts a serious, sometimes-fatal disease, caused by prior intravenous, illicit drug use and thereafter that service member deceitfully obtains disability benefits from the U.S. Government and later uses a "Disabled Vet" license plate in order to park in handicapped spaces, when that individual's physical limitations are not impaired whatsoever.
Just another case of a parking thief using #Stolen Valor when nothing is wrong with them. A simple case of #Stolen Valor, urban style. He/she is just using #Stolen Valor to get in front of the others. If it were not for his/her #Stolen Valor, he/she would have to wait like the rest of us.
by Unstoppable Karma September 21, 2019
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when someone is cracked at osu!
Person 1: YOOO 727 pp play!
by howmadandy January 25, 2021
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A sexual maneuver where a masked man has anal sex with a woman, racing to finish before a time bomb detonates.

For purists, the bomb is set to six muntes, seven seconds.
I was in the middle of giving her a Colonel Valor, when I realized it wasn't about her.
by Purist86 January 2, 2011
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A tone of voice showing frustration or impatience. Elongating words words at the end of a sentence.
His valorant accent is annoying everyone and demonstrates his lack of patience.
by Stroom September 6, 2022
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