Take 4 hits of acid, then you swallow hardcandy whole, (preferably starburst's hard candies) then rip off Geraldo Rivera's mustache, take a huge ungodly foul shit in a resting home for senior citizens, then while writing your name on the wall with your poop, fight of security (or police if they arrive) with Geraldo Rivera's mustache, while The Breakfast Club plays on the t.v. in reverse with only Worcestershire sauce commercials replacing Judd Nelson's lines.
-Catholic School boy #1 "Did you see Britany Spears Tibetan hard candy last night?"

-The goth chick from The Breakfast Club: No but I did see the Paris Hilton sex tape, that'll give ya a yeast infection.
by CIA Napkin August 16, 2006
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Take 4 hits of acid, then you swallow hardcandy whole, (preferably starburst's hard candies) then rip off Geraldo Riveria's mustache, take a huge ungodly foul shit in a resting home for senior citizens, then while writing your name on the wall with your poop, fight of security (or police if they arrive) with Geraldo Riveria's mustache, while The Breakfast Club plays on the t.v. in reverse with only Worcestershire sauce commercials replacing Judd Nelson's lines.
-Catholic School boy #1 "Did you see Britany Spears Tibetan hard candy last night?"

-The goth chick from The Breakfast Club: No but I did see the Paris Hilton sex tape, that'll give ya a yeast infection.

by CIA Napkin August 15, 2006
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The Tibetan Butt Trumpet is when you get ripped with your friends and only have enough cash for some Taco Bell. Whoever passes out first gets a kazoo shoved in their ass and you all laugh like maniacs when they start to fart humming squeezing noises.
Walt came over with s bottle of Jack and we all killed it doing shots. Mike Z passed out dead drunk after 23 shots and 7 1/2 bean burritos. Jackson shoved a kazoo in his asshole and within twenty minutes he was playing a symphony on the Tibetan Butt Trumpet
by Miltythecheese June 10, 2017
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when you take a shit in between a girl's boobs and then titty fuck her.
jeff: damn, i was so wasted last night, but it was worth the tibetan trasher i gave allison.

denny: niiiiice.
by charleeeeeeeeeee!!! April 23, 2008
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Term given to a (hidden) hand rolled marijuana cigarette/blunt.
Hey man. I’ve got a Tibetan Smuggler in my pocket, let’s spark it up!

I’m so blazed man! That Tibetan Smuggler was fat!
by pilgrim_fiend May 8, 2012
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