"Bish" is white-girl slang for "bitch" commonly used by ratchet white girls, skanks, and white trash.

Random Person- YES BISH
by I Am A Fvcking FanGirl February 25, 2015
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When a friend is acting in an undesirable way (1) Avoiding other friends or skipping out on prior made plans (2) When a friend let's his girl/boy friend tell them if they can or can't go to a party or hang out with there friends.
(1) Hey Will Ferrell you still going down to the lake with us tonight? Na man I'm kinda tired I'm just gonna chill at the house. Don't be a bish dude, you said you were gonna go. (2) Hey man my girl said she wanted me to go to bed with her early so yall can't come over, sorry man. Nathan Fillion your such a little bish
by The PP Hunter September 1, 2010
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1. Politicly Correct term for "Bitch",
2. Ebonics term for "Bitch"
You Dumb Bish!
by KevinThePirate October 11, 2014
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AzN slang for bitch. My friends thai roomate can't pronounce bitch so she says bish instead.
Bish, why you off flip me? Why you flip off me, bish?
by G-Spot March 1, 2003
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The Best Way of saying bitch!!!!! lol...
"Fook you Bish!!!" XD...
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The meaning of Bish is a Fish and a Bitch
A fish usually stinks, smells, has bad odor, and usually come from Bangladesh. A couple of Bangladesh decent girls are mean and called Bitches, but they stink, smell and have bad body odur to go along with it
Sanjana: blah blah your so blah blah blah blah blah ( yapping)
Joshua ( in his thoughts): damn she's such a bitch -_- and her breath fucking stinks
Sanjana: joshuaa your soo dumbb
Joshua: your sucha bitch, and seriously your breath stinks, brush it 5 times a day PLEASE !
Sanjana: hmph
Joshua ( in his thoughts): finally she shut up!
Sanjana: Joshuaaa :@ did you touch my ipod?
Joshua: yeah :$
Sanjana: yap yap yap yap
Joshua: wow she's a bitch and she smells liek a fish....
Sanjana: joshua i told you liek to never touch my ipod
Joshua: k i wont now quit being a bish
Sanjana: a bish?
Joshua: yes a bish
Sanjana: whats that?
Joshua: your a bitch and a fish... BISH bitchh
Sanjana: ohh:$ ( gigglez... then farts)
Joshua: SERIOUSLY? fucking bish.. m leaving -_-
by Vinthulan23232 March 30, 2011
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A contraction of 'Bishop', used in the Church of England for the more popular of Bishops.
The new Bish is a nice fella
by black flag June 20, 2004
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