Opposite of a fuckboy. Tries to find committed relationships through complimenting girls and being nice to them. Usually never works and the “softboy” is most likely a virgin and will be until he transforms into a fuckboy.
Girl A: Jake is being so nice to me. I think he likes me.
Girl B: that’s different
Girl A: yeah I think he is a softboy. I wish he’d just be a dick to me so I could fuck him
Girl B: yeah I have no idea why guys think being a softboy is attractive
by assmangler69 October 11, 2017
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Softboi (noun)

A softboi is emo bitchass or a goth nigga that wears all black and always be smoking packs of cigarettes.
Aye Pierre you wanna come out here and look at this patheticass softboi looking fucker.
by virgalwarrior666 November 4, 2019
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softboi szn is a period between April 12th and July 12th where sofibois replace the population of eboys.
Man, I can’t wait to see kevboyperry during softboi szn.
by Kaylynandsammy April 13, 2019
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a fuccboi that pretends to be artistic and he's not.
That guy is a softboy and dresses like a hipster but can't even draw.
by Tingle Likes Rupees October 25, 2019
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An atypical software engineer, who doesn't identify with the leetcode grind, goes on tinder dates and does things outside of being a techies.
boy: ya I do yoga and tarot cards. I don't wanna talk about my tech job.
girl: you're a softboi engineer
by tres_brando May 13, 2022
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Softboy Sunday is a Sunday dedicated to praising softboys. Started by a r/BisexualTeens mod as a spinoff of Femboy Friday.
1: See that cute softboy?
2: yeah he's adorable!
1: let's praise him on Softboy Sunday!
by Boris "BoJo" Johnson February 26, 2021
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An E-softboi is pretty much the softboi and th E-boy combined, the aesthetic of the softboi without the fuccboi personality
Girl A: wow, did you just see that E-softboi he is so perfect

Girl B: he is perfect!
by Softboi November 18, 2019
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