in digital photography, getting the "right shot" by shooting repeatedly, rapid fire, haphazardly, in hopes of hitting the perfect one. Like monkeys on a keyboard will eventually tap out Shakespeare.
He could have composed the shot, but he shutter monkeys instead.
by MPCricket December 11, 2009
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Plastic, usually bright-colored sunglasses with horizontal plastic strips where the lenses would be, thus giving the effect of a shutter while defeating the purpose of sunglasses. Shutter shades were debuted by Kanye West.
I was so excited when I bought a pair of shutter shades on sale, until I realized that there was nowhere I could wear them to.
by Okaytosuck September 14, 2008
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Usually plastic glasses with horizontal pieces of plastic going across. in place of actual lenses, which totally defeats the purpose of the glasses. They were originally made popular in the 80's, which is contrary to popular belief because of a dipfuck named Kanye West. Now everybody thinks the glasses are his, but in reality, he's an unoriginal fuck.
Megafuck: I lyk dez kany e wess shutter shadesglasses dey koo.
by optimus primate. December 4, 2011
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A visual effect caused by drug use or lack of sleep. The world looks as if your eyes are opening and closing extremely fast, but you can't feel any eye movement, and others can't tell you're seeing funny. It is like the opening and closing of a camera shutter on high speed capture. And it can be very disorienting.
"Dude, I roofied myslef and now I got mega shutter vision, the world looks like discovery channel or something."

"Damn, I've been up for days and the world looks like it's a cartoon; crazy-ass shutter vision yo."
by Toast Bot November 22, 2011
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A person who is so disgusting that when a woman sees's that person, her vagina shuts for good.
Mikey is such a snatch shutter, when Sarah saw him her pussy snatched shut for good.
by jillyrdxd January 2, 2015
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Slang for butt hole or anus. Usually starts out tight but opens wide once pounded. The end result is resemblance of a camera shutter.
When she bends over naked, her camera shutter takes a pic of me. Dude go wash your camera shutter, you stink.
by Blanco 2.0 January 6, 2014
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