When your poop is hard and sharp; lending itself to being very difficult to evacuate.
"Grrr. This sharpy just won't come out!"
by papillion666 May 4, 2007
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a device in which kids can get high (by sniffing) without their teachers, parents, or any other adult, (or snitches) can see.
Tori: Hey, Scotti, can i borrow your Sharpie?
Scotti: Sure. Here ya go.
Tori: Thanks. Im just going to use it to "work on my project".

Muahaha. >"<
by Premo_not_Emo April 23, 2008
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a little git with a huge fringe and a minute brain. there is no apparent meaning of his life.

he just smells.

really bad.
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1. (Noun) A sharpie is an instrument used for writing or arts and crafts.
2. (Noun) A sharpie is a great tool that can be used for masturbation by the ladies or even the guys if you are a weirdo.
I love using sharpies, they are the best for outlining.
Man I heard Alexa used her sharpie last night while she was finger painting.
by Caleb22Zepolboi November 23, 2018
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Something you use to help you get high.
sharpies are not allowed at school because of disruption in class...
by prncss jose May 30, 2007
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A 'Sharpy' is a word best fit to describe a person/thing that is; malicious, crafty, selfish and evil. A 'Sharpy' will spend hours upon end watching horror films and making robots, and complaining about things. They are also chubby chasers.
"Have you seen a film called hostel, it's quite new?"
"I think i saw the trailer for it; is it that Sharpy film?"
by Bulf89 April 11, 2006
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Hey! Is thIs the truth or are you giving me the Sharpie version?
by JAHVISION September 15, 2019
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