When you shag a woman who is on her period, you make rhubarb mousse
Oh babes if you shag me tonight it will just make rhubarb mousse
by Michel Roux jnr. December 15, 2011
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Smoking dope; comes from the similar smell of boiling rhubarb
John was having a bad day and decided when he got home he was going to be stewing rhubarb.
by ALD1 April 29, 2008
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The action of finding an old, well used carrot and grinding it on the inside of your neighbours genitals. You then take this (at this stage called a dopey wand) and place it inside of a blender, and pour it into your lovers mouth during penetration to cause a African rhubarb, the best orgasm in the world.
Carlos "god damn azza did the african rhubarb on me 17 times last night and it was even better than the time that jay-z and micheal buble donkey konged me at work"
Paul "damo you cunt gimmie your fuckin lighter"
by Jake dean fist November 5, 2014
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Large quantities of fecal matter that has a scent resembling rhubarb.
Dude someone took a rhubarb stank on the coats!
by the_group_dictionary February 4, 2008
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Completely and undeniably true.
Claims that Brexit is a disaster are total rhubarb.
by Rishi47 January 27, 2022
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A woman who is sexually attractive enough to cause an erection -- make the rhubarb grow -- just by looking at her.
Guy: Wow, that girl is HOT!
Friend: Yep, she's a real rhubarb-forcer!
by ring-tailed roarer April 11, 2014
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a place for random questions, amusing links, relationship woes, excellent cartoons, late night shenanigans and the worlds most pointless sticky.
i was posting in rhubarb yesterday and catters locked my thread :(
by draconic August 29, 2007
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