Something so sickening and rank it makes you wanna spill your juices
Thats one raunchy turd.
by Sonix3D January 4, 2005
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1.Damn that girl is making me raunchy
2.Damn her vagina is raunchy
3.Damn her vagina is raunchy
4.Damn her vagina is raunchy
by TheNewGuy December 19, 2007
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Discusting in a sexual way. Or Discusing descibing something gross.
Dude you got some dog shit on your shoe! Thats raunchy!
by Vicki Markarian July 11, 2008
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God Karen why are you so raunchy like eww.
by soy un desastre December 27, 2019
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usually used to describe a nasty ass smelling fart
dude that fart is raunchy
by Joel Cyrus January 3, 2007
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