Can be used as a Verb, Noun, or in remotely any insulting way. A person described as Quang has the intelligence of an Amoeba, and is fundamentally incapable of processing basic information.
" Amazing how you were the fastest of all the Sperm, and yet the slowest in real life, you fucking Quang."
by TiltedFurry March 31, 2019
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one word defines all quangs.
homo homo homo homo homo homo
by woozy April 13, 2005
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The best person ever to exist. He is completely flawless, 100% good. He is 100% trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. He meets the characteristics to be beyond "perfect". He is the most amazing person ever. He is way better than any other thing. He is a legendary legend. He is dominant compared to every single thing there ever was. *Note: This is the original and actual meaning of Quang*
Quang defines every single thing that is supreme. *Note: This is the original and actual meaning of Quang*
by 2mlg4you June 10, 2016
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such a gay fag who joined the army.. noone wants to be like him.
quang loves the cack..
by tomy April 13, 2005
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new slang term that can be subsituted for ANY word in the english laguage without explanation.
"Does your quang hang low, does it wobble to the flow"
"Quang on me, when you're not strong"
"Can I quang you?"
by victora:) May 22, 2010
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A person who excessively uses gay jokes to mask his own homosexuality.
That guy is such a Quang, it's only a matter of time before he comes out of the closet.
by The One Who Enlightens February 17, 2015
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