Neveah Martinez is kind,sweet,quiet and funny but when they are with their friends they turn into a crackhead 😂
by Gshbjjvdghgh April 13, 2022
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Neveah is a sweet girl who loves to be friends with everyone she meets and loves being involved in leader ship in her community!
spending time with Neveah spruill was great
by butterflies84 November 5, 2019
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a mean insulting person who thinks she is respected but gets talked about behind her back.
Neveah is the name of a mean person
by mattheee93 February 23, 2022
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A mean person. thinks she is admirable and respected but people talk about her behind her back.
You can be very selfish or neveah
by mattheee93 February 23, 2022
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She is the baddest in the atlanta area nd she cbfw
neveah is the baddest in atlanta she really cbfw
by vaefrmdaA December 2, 2022
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Neveah is best person in world
They are best friends with Nina!
Nina loves hanging out with neveah
Neveah cool
Neveah best
Neveah is cooler then you
Neveah is no homo
by Ninaiscool May 15, 2022
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Neveahs are dangerous. Trust me when I say this. The day you meet a Neveah you will have severe sleep deprivation. You may be hypnotized by their looks. But don’t let them deceive you, as their only goal is to keep you awake. However, if you can find a way to deal with permanent insomnia, then Neveahs arent so bad. They like to take pictures, listen to cool music, and they are quite the adventurers. They also come with a very pretty face, and soft, gentle hands. As well as a pretty pair of heterochromic eyes that you could easily get lost in. Everyone should find themselves a Neveah, but again, beware of the risks!!
ex. I’m Neveah’d
meaning: I am trying to fall asleep but I cant.
by Hunte_rr_ June 3, 2024
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