2- Derogitory phrase that used to be a term to describe someone with features resebling Mongolians. Considered severly disabled and a hopeless breed, less than an animal. Now known as People who have Down Syndrome.
You should never use the term Mongoloid for anything!
by BG August 3, 2004
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Someone with an extremely low intelligence. See : hecateh
A mongoloid came up to me and beat me up I was in casualty for a week.
by Lesbub January 19, 2003
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A short, large-fore-headed, knife wielding, bow-haired, unbalanced ratio for arms to arms and legs to legs, potato sack wearing person. Usually mongoloids have facial lacerations, messed up eyes (called mongoloid eyes), crawl instead of walk, and are just scary as hell to deal with.
Dude I just saw this fucking mongoloid looking at me, it was staring at me! Freaked the shit out of me.
by Sean McAlevey June 14, 2008
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A word that is far too often used out of context. Referring to Asian peoples and those belonging to the Mongol empire, it has more recently become a term used to describe the mentally handicapped, and even more recently, people in general, a la "trollucifer".
trollucifer: Listen, you mongoloid. I am clearly above you, for I own Plumed Serpent LP's. Suck my farts, LOL!
by Robyn Swank November 3, 2004
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A person who has a stupid head and looks dumb 24/7
by Big neck jobi February 22, 2019
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Someone with an ugly face, reminiscent of a Mongol, or someone with the IQ of a Mongol.
"Hey that chip guy has a fat ugly face and is super dumb"
"yeah he's such a mongoloid!
by LoveMonger September 5, 2022
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- Loid


A Mongoloid is often described as a physically deformed person, preferably with a lower then usual mental capacity. Facial scars, visible tumors, missing limbs, over bites along with wardrobe are usually bonuses or signs that the person in question is, indeed, a Mongoloid. Mongoloid's abbreviated forms are usually more derogatory then the full word. "Loid" is an example.
Mongoloid -

"Wow, that dude sure is a mongoloid."

Loid (abbreviated) -
by Amber MacKenzie July 11, 2008
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