(1.) When sex is like a religious experience. The feeling is so powerful and all pervading, you have no choice but to be present. And yet you also find yourself in a state of awe, beyond all the limits of your own body and mind. Time appears to stand still and yet it moves so quickly as your body automatically does what it needs to do, without thought, pretense, or any opportunity for self-consciousness.

Just as people often go to the house of a particular religion to find God...."Take me to Church" in the context of sex, involves a physical build up so intense, the orgasms could be described as a kind of "seeing God".

(2.) To crave or hunger for someone so much, you know being with them would be a religious experience.

(Hell, if you really want to extend the religious symbolism, think of the way a supposedly demon possessed person is taken to church, "laid hands on", convulses and shakes, and then appears to be "set free" with a peaceful look on their face. The parallels between this and really great sex are obvious.)
(1.) O God....He really knows how to take me to church.

(2.) I've never wanted someone to take me to church so bad in my life. I wonder if there's still seating available. The aisle closest to his lap would be preferable.
by Olive989 March 8, 2023
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bleeding of the spermatozoa ! (OR, clit-titillation!) the help of another human in reaching the sexual zenith !

breaking the bonds of gravity upon achieving sexual release !
he / she rapidly got down to 'business' trying to take me off !

she thought, i didn't think he would take me off !
by michael foolsley December 19, 2021
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a very amazing book trilogy that deserves film adaptations which is about two brothers that basically save the world while dealing with their own shit all cause of their dad
swag person- “do you like take me home?”
even cooler person- “yes I want a film of it.”
by pendinglove September 5, 2021
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the song you listen to when u want to mentally heal yourself but also if you want to emotionally destroy yourself.

"somebody take me home. i don't want to be alone every night. take me to the place of my dreams."
"hey have you listened to take me home by ateez? it's one of their best B-sides !"
by hongtiddies April 24, 2022
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A dope ass by Franz Ferdinand about both the assassin of said Franz Ferdinand, or a man asking a girl on a date
Take Me Out is cool”-some cool guy
by IfUReadThisUAreBigBrain February 22, 2022
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