the most perfect couple ever to come to life
DESTINY meant to be
joe is definetly should be with jaimie and not taylor swift
jaimie lor joe jonas most perfect couple ever
by omjj September 1, 2008
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She is a nice, pretty, and sometimes mean. She will fight for her friends and family. She love everybody.
she is cool, funny, and pretty. Have A Friend Like Jaimye.
by Khayio June 4, 2019
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Jaimye is a smart, caring, loving girl! She will cheer you up on your darkest days. She may seem sweet but look out she can fuck you up if you mess with one of her friends. She will stick up for you when you’re in need the most! She’s absolutely stunning! Jaimye may have a low self esteem but she really tries to help you and give you advice! She’s usually really quiet at first but once you get to know her she can be loud and goofy. Jaimye will love you forever but if you mess up big time, she’ll cut you off. If you ever meet a Jaimye keep her! You'll want her in your life
girl 1: dude did you see jaimye today?!
girl 2: yes!! she’s absolutely STUNNING!!!

guy 1: dude who’s that
guy 2: bro that’s jaimye, the hottest girl in school!
guy 3: hate to break it to you but she’s got a boyfriend
guy 2: damn i wish it was me
guy 1: me too
by haileybear314 August 22, 2019
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Loves a rum on any day.
I could go for a rum! Thats such a jaimi-maree
by RumRum1234 December 8, 2022
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Jaimy is every beautiful name and jaimy is very virgin mashikip like that and she's so vavaing marangal and her puke is kulay Rosa's her favourite song is iniyut iniyut ang puki Kong makipot and her talent is Washing the Platonability er er
jaimy is sexy and not deadly hungry
by Mariang mashikip November 22, 2021
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Jaimy the hottest mother fucker out there she gets all the guys. She is a very hot. Everyone wants her.
Guy: Brooo I love her
Guy 2: Who?? Jaimy??
Guy: Yeah she is so hot
GUy 2: nah she mine
by Biggboss March 22, 2022
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The hottest girl you will ever meet. Normally has brown curly hair. She is someone with normally big boobs. You will never find a flat jaimy. She is very sweet and kind hearted. She is someone you can rely on 24/7. She will never lose any of your stiffed animals especially if you are someone she likes or has a crush on. She gets nervous around her crush. Her crush might start with the letter “J”.
Guy 1: I met the hottest girl she was so sweet
Guy 2: Was her name Jaimy?
Guy 1: Yes
by Biggboss March 22, 2022
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