This can be an insult, an expression of pity/sympathy, or even a compliment, depending on the context. As an insult, it can mean a variety of things, ranging from "what an idiot" to "f*** you". In a more sympathetic way, it can mean something to the effect of "I feel bad for you/so-and-so" or "what a shame". As a compliment, it can actually mean "what a sweetheart" or "how cute/sweet". In that sense, it's typically referring to someone's innocence or as a term of endearment.
Examples of "bless your/his/her/their (little) heart(s)" in typical conversation:

Insult (what an idiot):
"His boss told him if he made another careless mistake when filing the data reports again, he'd fire him on the spot. Bless his heart."

Insult (f*** you):
"Hey baby, you've got to be the sexiest little thing here. How about you and I head back to my place and throw our own private party?"
"Bless your little heart. Thanks, but I think I'll pass."

Pity/Sympathy (I feel bad for you/so-and-so):
"Bless her heart, she worked so hard to bake a nice cake for her mom's birthday. But she tripped while carrying it and it was ruined when it fell on the ground."

Pity/Sympathy (what a shame):
"He could have been top of his class, if he hadn't started started skipping class to hang out with those troublemakers. Bless his heart."

Compliment (what a sweetheart):
"I don't know how she finds the time to raise those kids, clean her house, work as a part time substitute teacher, volunteer for church events, and still host occasional social gatherings in her home. Bless her heart, she's a saint!"

Compliment (how cute/sweet):
"Look, mommy! We made macaroni art at school today! Do you like it? I made it just for you."
"Bless your heart, you're so thoughtful. I love it! We'll put this on the fridge for everyone to see!"
by TygraSol February 3, 2018
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Used by boys to boys or girls to girls or girls to boys or boys to girls,usually when that particular boy or girl follows around or always hangs out with one particular boy or girl.
me:why u ridin his nuts all over school he dont like u.
girl:he will
me:why u ridin her pussy all over hood u gay or suntin?
by synonomous with anon April 24, 2004
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It is these three emoji's in order. The shocked emoji, you know the one with the blue head and the hands are on its face, the spit emoji but it has the be the one with three drops and finally to finish it off you have the tongue emoji, which represents its mouth. Now to actually define this combo. It is referred to a male or female and bitch is used broadly. Yes its vulgar and its meant to because, creativity and freedom of speech. It may also be used if you are secretly coding something to you significant other to do later on in the evening ;), in other words its a fetish in a emoji form!
P1: Dont piss me off

P2: (enter choke a bitch and spit in his/her mouth emoji)
P1: What the Fuck is that?
P2: Thats what im going to do to you in emoji form of an emoji!
by Not Jack :) March 3, 2017
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While it takes bees to make honey it wouldn't be all that great if they were still around for the consumption of said honey.
Man you are a great person and all, but you have "too many bees in his/her/my honey" tonight!
by Clear Lake Heratiage Demo June 27, 2010
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He has put his plod (penis) in her lala (virgina).
Will: So, what did Joseph do last night with Mary?
Joe: He parked his car in her barn.
by RakingUpTheLeaves January 4, 2019
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