A term that leftists use to belittle those who support the war against terrorism.
"Dude, let's vote for "hatriotism" 200 times so it looks like somebody cares! Then let's smoke a bong."
by mattt1986 December 5, 2006
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Those who yearn to fundamentally transform the world to make it closer to the heart's desire
"As we are progressives we are hatriots" -- George Bernard Shaw
by Fabian ► Workcamp October 15, 2012
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People who hate the New England Patriots!
Robert: I can't believe the calls the refs were making in the 4th quarter against New England!
Roger: I pay those refs really good money !
Robert: Oh, stop being such a hatriot since deflatgate !
by ScottyMcPrime December 1, 2015
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Action and words by certain left-leaning Americans that hate America.
Hatriotism as practiced by the 'Blame America First' crowd.
by yaddacubed December 7, 2007
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(n): Inbred hillbilly whose team has been beaten so badly by the New England Patriots that he hates the Patriots more than he loves his own pathetic football team.
That Hatriot talks more about the Patriots than his own pathetic team.
by Loffit November 29, 2015
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Opposite of patriotism. Overzealous hatred/embarressment of ones country or government.
She is bursting with hatriotism because George Bush's actions make her embarressed to be an American.

For Australian equivalent see Germaine Greer
by Greg Dee December 4, 2006
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Americans who claim to be patriotic but actually hate the federal government, and would jump at any chance to sabotage the federal government or overthrow it and replace it with an authoritarian regime. They express love for the USA in abstract terms, often romanticizing the revolutionary war as the high-water mark in US history but hate everything about the federal government, state governments, and local governments. They claim to love "liberty" and "freedom" but at the same time seem to cherish the demanding discipline of the military and believe that placing a great deal of power in the hands of a king-like president would somehow result in more "freedom". They seem to almost worship guns and while they know little or nothing about the Constitution, they treat the second amendment as if it had been handed down by God almighty.
Trump's hatriots, including the proud boys and the oath keepers, love playing dress-up as soldiers and threatening to overthrow the federal government. They "love the USA" but hate the very thing that makes it the USA, i.e. the federal government.
by ProudLiberal June 6, 2023
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