A group sexual event that is much larger than any gang bang, There must be a minimum of at least two thousand people actively participating.
HeyJill, I'm going down to the rec center for the gang bang friday night, you want in ?----------Fuck that jack, save it till sunday for the genghis bang at the stadium everybody's cumming.
by illin foryu August 13, 2009
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Genghis Chron, in laymen's terms simply means the dankest chronic ever. It is a play off of the great conquerer Genghis Khan who pretty much ruled Asia. See marijuana, weed, Chronic,Pot,Reefer
"dude last night, I smoked the fattest blunt filled with Genghis Chron"
"no way man, you couldn't have smoke Genghis Chron, we don't even have that shit in our state"
by Samwise Gamgi June 24, 2006
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A manner of behavior which is particularly barbaric or uncivilized in nature.
Ben pissed outside in the backyard, 25 feet from the inside bathroom. This is the kind of Genghis Khanduct that we've come to expect from him.
by fonzi86 May 3, 2015
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A Genghis complex is a non-clinical term generally used to describe an individual who consistently believes they can accomplish more than is humanly possible or that their opinion is automatically above those they may disagree with. The individual may believe he or she is above the rules of society and should be given special consideration or privileges.

It is rumored that believers of the Genghis complex have heard their calling at rest stop bathrooms while on the toilet.

Those with the Genghis complex will use the name registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles when appearing in mortal form.
People who suffer from the Genghis complex will never be able to enjoy the joy of swimming because they can only walk on water.
by ImGenghis July 14, 2010
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Essentially when you are acting like a chad but only the part where you are acting like a chad, not the part where he did inexcusable things to women.

One of the top 3 pills along with "Joker Pilled" and "Vee Pilled"
Bro, you were so "Genghis Pilled" earlier when you were so chadly.
by Julian Lee November 2, 2021
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King of all Chongies, ruler of the 12 chong kingdoms, beholder of the chong.
All bow to Genghis Chong!
by Ghengis Chong September 25, 2021
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