Well, in the case of Urban Dictionary, it's someone who's only posted one definition, and that definition always bashes some other system.
I believe we all know what a fanboy is.
by spel itt rite March 14, 2006
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Plural for fanboy. People who are obsessed with one thing and try to model their lives around that one thing. Examples are furries, anime fanatics, and Megatokyo readers.
Wapanese are examples of fanboys.
by otaku killer October 9, 2003
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A fan of a certain thing who will tolerate no criticism of that thing. Most often associated with "nerdy" subjects, especially the video gaming community. Most people are likely to encounter fanboys over the Internet, as the veil of anonymity allows the fanboy to be as aggressive and arrogant as he likes without the possibility of reprisals.
Ordinary, well-adjusted game player: "Good game everyone."

Hulking, stinking, fast-food loving arrogant fanboy: "OMFG YOUR A NOOB LOL I COULD KICK UR ASS UR MOM (etc.)"
by Muttering Master March 6, 2007
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Plural for fanboy. Fanboys are people that remain loyal to something, no matter how much it sucks. People that remain loyal to videogame companies are usually named as a fanboy. Examples of this is the Xbot, the PSTool, and the Nintendrone
Fanboys suck no matter what they remain loyal to
by Justin H. April 12, 2005
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1. (Noun) A rare species akin to fangirls but of the opposite gender.

2. (Verb) What a person of the male gender does when they get feels. E.g. flailing, squealing.
1. Liam is a huge fanboy.

2. He fanboyed so hard he could barely breath.
by Ndjcnskskvk May 9, 2016
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Someone who has no life but to bash a video game system. For god sakes people, just play damn system you want. Sony fanboys, stop picking on the gamecube saying its a kiddie system. Nintendo fanboys, stop picking on the ps2 in general. END OF STORY

*rolls eyes* fanboys..pssh...Cant we all just get along?
by Arii Calistine August 20, 2006
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Someone whom does one or more of the following:

1) Has an obsession of a certain object, thing, or fad. (Dragonball Z, Baseball, Video game consoles, Yo-yos.

2) One that does not think that his obsession or hobby (if they didn't fit the first one) will make him any real friends or perhaps get him laid.

3) One that defends that obsession beyond all hope and logic. Also, one that cannot back up their statement with anything but flame bait.

4) One that takes his obsession beyond comprehensible levels of sanity.

Lets use all four in context: (Note: I am not a nintendo fanboy or a bush hater. These are hypothetical situations one might observe these things happening)
1)Fanboy: So, did you see the episode of Xena:Warrior Princess last night? OMG, Lucy's using the Hermina Blade! I've only read that in the novels!

2)Fanboy:Dude, Sailor Uranus is so freaking hot!

Other guy: Dude, get the hell away from me.

3) (Two examples)
Guy 1: Well, the gamecube hasn't been doing so well this year....

Guy1: Hmm....the president has been doing a lot towards the economic situation....
Guy2: Yeah! Bush sucks balls!
Guy1: I didn't say that...
Guy2: Bush is a stupid idiot.
Guy1: You fanboys should be shot.

4)Fanboy: And you can obviously see that Rikku in FFX-2 is obviously not wearing much in this scene. The humidity from the sun and the build up in the room must be from that. Yeah....also.... (goes on for half a year...)
by Kirbz February 21, 2006
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