When you take a moment to remove ex-friends from your social networking friend list.
Dude, I've got way too many randoms on my Facebook Friend List. Time to do a Monkeysphere Cleanse!
by websheep March 14, 2009
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A diet consisting of only bacon. Usually only done when one has given up on their life.
When John's definition on Urban Dictionary didn't get any likes he decided to go on a bacon cleanse}
by 1000101001001010001 August 15, 2017
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Having your car cleaned at a hand car wash staffed largely by members of an ethnic minority.
My car's filthy. I'm going to take it into town for an ethnic cleanse.
by rossmcf July 20, 2011
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The act of refraining from sexual activities for an allotted amount of time, turning off your hoe, to regain self respect and faith in your hoe status.
I can't suck your dick, Zach, I'm on the dick cleanse.
by Weedo August 1, 2017
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Removing friends from facebook, myspace, or any other social network in order to rid your life of people who serve no purpose anymore.
I try to friend cleanse after bypassing 500 friends, because after that I stop caring about people.

Do you feel weird when you friend cleanse jewish people and genocide victims?
by voodo0 August 25, 2009
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I ate a bad biscuit last night and today I am doing a redneck cleanse.
by EV780 May 19, 2016
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When you're so drunk that you feel sick, and on your way to the bathroom you suddenly get the urge to take a shit. You choose to save time and multitask, while the stream of liquor filled shit and piss explode in the toilet, you throw up in the sink. When the process is complete you feel reborn.
Guy1: Oh dude my toilet stinks something fierce.
Guy2: Yeah i had to do an Ultimate Cleansing.
by Grews January 19, 2009
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