balls in yo balls means gay sex
a: lets have "balls in yo balls, josh"

josh: okay bby
by w suit November 18, 2022
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When you are already caught up in a girl's emotional past without having gotten any pussy yet.
John: How did last night with Jenny go?
Jeff: Not good man, she explained to me all her self-esteem issues and I didn't even hook up with her.
John: Jeez, sounds like you're balls deep without being balls deep.
Jeff: Yeah, it's a rough place to be in.
by Barb Laheyyyyy September 14, 2014
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A vessel restricted in maneuvering. A vessel constrained to a navigable course to keep the vessel out of harms way.
While entering and leaving home port Ball-Diamond-Ball must be displayed to show others you must remain safe and therefore will not change course.
by Pierced69 January 8, 2022
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Not under command, no Commanding Officer. A vessel restricted in maneuvering (may only navigate trusted and safe waters meaning no one has control of you, you are a good person and therefore can help others to break free of control of others. Abbreviated B-D-B. Affiliation can be shown by displaying the maritime day shape for Ball-Diamond-Ball on a window or screensaver.
I am finally Ball-Diamond-Ball and will never allow myself to be taken again by those who play mind games.
by Pierced69 January 7, 2022
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When you’re playing a sport that uses a ball and it hits your scrotum
Guy: Oh shit! The basketball just hit me right in the balls!
Guy 2: That’s Ball to Balls Contact right there!
by StudMastaFlex34 April 2, 2022
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A term used by numerous individuals in a conversation. This phrase is typically used to agree with someone.
Person 1: "This pool is very nice."
Person 2: "Ball ball ball lin lin."
Person 3: "Ball ball ball lin lin."
by mericafryingpan September 23, 2023
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A term used by numerous individuals in a conversation. This phrase is typically used to agree with someone.
Person 1: "This pool is very nice."
Person 2: "Ball ball ball lin lin."
Person 3: "Ball ball ball lin lin."
by mericafryingpan September 23, 2023
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