Ur mum gay lol is the worst this insult you can ever say the person will have to move planets if you ever pull this insult of correctly
Person 1: ur dad
Person 2: ur mum gay lol 😂
by Memerlol March 9, 2020
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An insult so strong it's dangerous to use, whenever in an argument and apply this insult to the other person they will be anilatared most likely die or throw a no u which you must respond with anyone named "their name" mum triple gay which will finish them off
Timmy: your sister a mister
Roders: well ur mum got the big gay
Timmy: suffers a heart attack (99% die when happens like this)
by Rodersmoderssloders March 25, 2018
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An insult which is the worst insult in the world, beating Ur Dad is Gay!

It is usually used by really immature 12 year olds being bored at lunch.
"Hey you, Ur Mum is Gay!"
by Your_Nash December 8, 2020
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A insult used by many 6-12 and can easily be reversed by using a reverse card or saying no u
by Wikipedia boiiiiii January 11, 2019
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I mean if I was someone's mom then it would be true- anyway it can be used as an insult to people who call you gay. (if they call you gay it might mean you are and just accept it)
Person A: Ur gay lol
Person B: No ur mum gay.
by Ur local trans male March 5, 2022
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