when you are having ass sex with a girl and you punch her very hard in the ass she will tighten up when she does that pull your dick out, this will rip the lining of her ass out, giving her a Red Dragon tail.
i gave kailey quinn a red dragon.
by dane johnson December 4, 2004
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When a male is fucking a girl on her, he pulls out his bloody dick and presses it against her body, leaving an imprint known as the red dragon
she was on her rag so I gave her a red dragon
by Brazier August 1, 2003
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A term that has come to describe an Asian male after consuming alcohol. Due to a reaction to the liquor some asians experience a full body blush. A.K.A "Asian Glow"
DEANE (to Luke): "What's wrong with Mikey? He's all red...is he sick?"
LUKE: "No Deane he's just a Red Dragon"
by Michael McElhiney September 9, 2006
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just like the white, gold and brown dragon but with a girls periods.
Omg i love it when i red dragon my boyfriend, S E A N.
by motgtht December 12, 2006
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when your fucking a girls mouth and you knock out her front tooth with your balls. Not only will she have dragon teeth, but blood will drip from her mouth like she just ate a live animal, thus the look of the red dragon.
Don't you give me that red dragon face....clean that shit up!
by Daillestpimp January 2, 2004
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1. When you and your buddies are doing coke off a stripper's ass, and the razor cuts the strippers ass, you are left with Red Dragon Cocaine.
2. Cocaine mixed w stripper blood.
Aaron: "Dude that party was too fucking awesome!"
Michael: "Yeah! After the strippers left, Jack decided to finish off the Red Dragon Cocaine.."
by Old man Jenkins January 28, 2015
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Spicy Red Dragon is the act of a woman giving a man a hand job, and before the moment of ejaculation. The woman strikes a match, and holds it under the mans testacles.
"Dude, do you see that girl Taylor?"
"Yeah I heard she gives a nasty spicy red dragon."
by fvckdaat March 17, 2014
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