The Nuclear Test in Worms World Party. It was given the nickname "Taj" because it's icon looks like the Taj Mahal.
The Full Wormage sux0rs. The pricks in my 3rd period use it, and they just taj and donkey each other to death. It is so ghey!
by Hand Hanzo February 6, 2005
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A haircut where you shave the lower half of your head and grow out the top

By Joshalot
Boy 1: Did you get a haircut?
Boy 2: Yea, I got a Taj!
by Wither_Lord08 September 22, 2015
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Coolest dude ever, probably bi, a god
Yooooo Taj is literally a god among men
by Yeshelloitme April 5, 2021
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Loving, caring, sweet, loyal,....etc
Taj is the nikka, you dont fuk wit this nikka. Usually he/she are extremely good looking kinda fat but they’re working in it! Taj is the man to go with he can sweep you off your feet and eats your butt like a god. He/she have a promising career in rapping ( nikka fire af).
Omg gurl that guy is taj af !

Oh shid, this guy actin like a taj.

Suckin taj a day keep the doc away.
by Definitely Not Taj March 21, 2018
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A kid who is usually gay and looks like a rat. Also he has yellow teeth and a unibrow.
Dom: Damn did you see that Taj over there?
Mehtaab: Damn! That's one hairy ass rat-boy. He walks like he has a dick up his ass.
by Ayy lamao October 7, 2015
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Taj is a very gay person he sucks your dick all day long kisses a boy a the lips
Taj is a very gay person he sucks your dick all day long kisses a boy a the lips
by Taj is gay October 25, 2016
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